
Class 18 Student

I just want to thank you again for offering PeaceMaker's Institute: School of Theology! I have absolutely loved it!! And I don't want to stop! I'm doing so much better spiritually and emotionally since i began! I'm on a roll and I want to keep studying! (I heard alumni can take the course again for free, if that is true, sign me up!!)

Class 18 Student

"I've taken on some changes in my life of procrastination! I started by enrolling in PeaceMakers Institute: School of Theology, which made me accountable to study and take my tests on time. The challenge was great!!! And I am reaping the benefits BIG time!! I'm stronger and bolder in my faith! Thank you, Pastor Cary Gordon, for making this class available to us any anyone in the world!!"

Class 18 Student

"I thought my life was OK until I began really (actively) seeking God through His Word. I realized I was probably what Jesus called "Lukewarm"! It made me want to dig-in and get SERIOUS! It is frightful to think that God would spit you out! I'm in my second year of PeaceMakers School of Theology, and I'm learning soooo much!! It's wonderful and exciting, and I want to share it all! I'm finally motivated to go BEYOND my own walls and do more for Jesus!"

Class 18 Student

"I'm loving PeaceMakers Institute School of Theology!!! Yesterday, I couldn't wait to pray for a sick family member in Jesus' Name! My faith has skyrocketed!! According to John 14:12-14, I have Power of Attorney to act as Jesus' representative... Look out, devil!"

Charter Class Student

"I believe [PeaceMakers] has encouraged me to 'be all I can be'! Thank you! God is so good, and I am so thankful for learning the truth. Thank you for sharing!"

Charter Class Student

“I find my whole being is changed. And I thought I was the only one being affected! It's almost like a weight lifted off me because I can see the Bible is not mysterious, and God is not difficult to understand.  However, while being changed, it is uncomfortable because I was relatively comfortable the way I was… There are times when I decide to work on the lessons, and I can feel my spirit leaping… I want everyone I know to take the course.”

Charter Class Student

“What richness I am enjoying as I set aside this time to come to know my God, His Words, and His plans as I have never before seen them!  [I tell people to] Go ahead and commit yourself to this wonderful school. Even the tests are thrilling! What a joy it is, at my age, to again be a student. I love it, and I'm confident you will, too!”

Charter Class Student

“I thank [PeaceMakers] from the bottom of my heart for offering these studies. And I praise and thank God for giving [my husband and I] the financial means … so that both of us can participate in [PeaceMakers] at the same time!"

Charter Class Student

“After being raised as a preacher's kid, being taught the Word of God from beyond memory's reach, beginning to teach the Word myself to other children at twelve years of age, attending two Bible Colleges and marrying another minister. . . I have never been more thrilled in my life with the tremendous study of the Word of God which Peacemakers Institute offers!”

Charter Class Student

"Peacemakers School of Theology has totally changed my life. The content was so rich and in-depth that it truly set me up to have a solid foundation for understanding the Bible and having a Christian World View. By far one of the best and most important decisions of my life!"