Rev. Cary Gordon
Rev. Cary Gordon currently serves on the pastoral team of Cornerstone Church in Sioux City, Iowa, as Senior Pastor and President, and resides there with his wife, Molly, his sons, Solomon, Jonas, and Jude, and his daughters, Ella, Rachael, and Caroline. He is most known for his dynamic teaching ministry, particularly in the field of theonomy.
In addition to his pastoral duties, Pastor Cary serves as the President of PeaceMakers Institute, a theological school dedicated to equipping conservative thinkers with the tools necessary to achieve victory in the American culture war. He has made appearances on MSNBC, Fox in the Morning, Fox News, Cavuto, The Ed Schultz Show, and many others. His political commentary has been featured in hundreds of newspapers across America, including USA Today, the New York Times, Atlantic Magazine, World Magazine, and the Los Angeles Times. His radio interviews have been broadcast on more than 4000 radio stations nationwide. His greatest achievement occurred in mid-2010 when an entire website was launched dedicated to hating him, called “Iowans Against Activist Preachers.” (Chortles)
Rev. Gordon began working in the local church at the age of 14. After seven years of service as a laity employee of Cornerstone, he moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, and attended Bible College. He graduated in May of 1995. On June 5, 1995, Rev. Gordon was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel at Cornerstone World Outreach. He has served the pastorate at Cornerstone over the last 20 years, totaling 27 years of service to the church family at home and abroad.
Rev. Gordon is a recognized singer, songwriter, and author of the two published works, The MasterPeace, and a Storm, a Message, a Bottle. He has also digitally re-published more than a dozen classic titles free for public consumption, online, through PeaceMakers Library, in an effort to assist a return to American first-principles among the citizenry. In addition to his stateside ministry to local churches, he has ministered in the nations of Estonia, Israel, Italy, Latvia, and Zimbabwe.
Other Members

Dr. Douglas Bankson

Honorable Matthew Ung

Dr. Kenneth F. Tjeerdsma, DDS