Of Dishonesty and Politics (Part 1)
Part 1 of a 2 part series recently published in 12 Iowa newspapers
Former Governor Branstad routinely touts himself to church-going Iowans as “a fellow evangelical” and that he is “pro-life”, yet he vigorously campaigned for Lamar Alexander, in 1999, a presidential contender who firmly stated that he “did not support” overturning Roe v. Wade, and adamantly opposed the Human Life Amendment. Prior to this, in September of 1995, Alexander declared he did not believe having a pro-life vice-president was a necessary consideration for his aspirations to lead the nation.

It isn’t surprising that Branstad was attracted to Alexander, when one considers that Branstad’s own Lieutenant Governor appointee, Joy Corning, was also pro-abortion. Corning served on the Board of Directors for Iowa’s chapter of Planned Parenthood and even led that organization’s fundraising drive in 2002. The fact remains that whether one describes the state or federal level of the American government, both a Vice President and/or a Lieutenant Governor remain no more than a heart-beat away from the chief executive position, and principled people who feel passionate about issues, in general (abortion, in particular), feel equally betrayed by the duplicity of such scenarios.

So, of what value is one’s alleged “firm belief that abortion is wrong” when one tacitly supports those who clearly do not, with both time and money? Well, the answer is more than obvious. Truth be known, such behavior is a form of intellectual dishonesty that is all too typical for America these days. Principally, it’s no different than saying, “I am firmly against stealing! Stealing is immoral and wrong!” Then, on the next opportunity, offering a financial contribution, along with room and board, to “Bonnie and Clyde.” In the criminal justice world, this is referred to as “aiding and abetting.”

To further illustrate such dishonesty in the most understandable terms, let us imagine a pair of candidates, around 78 years ago – let’s say about 1932 – vying for political clout during the time of Adolf Hitler’s rise to popularity. (Yes, he was eventually chosen by throngs through democratic populism.) History shows us that it was the “lesser of two evils” doctrine, espoused by many in our own political world today, to which President Hindenburg reluctantly succumbed. The result of his personal lack of discretion, caving under the pressure of German business leaders who loved Adolf for his “financial savvy,” is history.

This historical fact provides an opportunity to evaluate the veracity of the “lesser of two evils” doctrine so many label as “pragmatic politics.” When President Hindenburg died in office, Hitler, borrowing credibility from the late and dearly-loved moderate president of Germany, was directly-elected by a whopping 84.6% of the population. Now, they DIDN’T elect Hitler BECAUSE THEY HATED Jews and WISHED FOR GENOCIDE! They elected him because their beloved “conservative Christian” president, who had defeated Hitler in the recent election, lent him credibility by appointing him to high office – an office eerily similar to an American Vice-Presidency or a Lieutenant Governor position. Moreover, they had adopted a shallow lens through which to judge all political issues, namely…economics.
Believing that it was the role of government to handle economics and personal welfare of the citizenry was Germany’s first error. Their second error was to be driven in popular rage by that same love of money, ignoring the trouncing of their own constitution by Hitler, and voting through a referendum, in popular madness, to anoint Hitler as supreme ruler.

If the reader finds the recollection of old-world German “virtues” and political “priorities” offensive, it is a good thing. We should ALL be offended to know that the PRIMARY reason Adolf Hitler was elected to power was due to the German people’s preoccupation with their wallets; falsely believing that he possessed superior economic concepts through which Germany could be “restored to greatness.” The citizens of Iowa need to awaken to world history’s sordid, economic-driven political past and prove they are awake by remembering what Jesus warned was the “root of all evil!”
Germany didn’t get it. And while the American founders certainly did, it remains to be seen if we modern Americans… ever will again. A return to authentic conservatism in Republican representation is the last best hope for saving America from itself.

As a lifetime Republican, who has given hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars to a great many campaigns over the years, I offer a serious warning: Branstad’s attempt to return to office DOES NOT represent a return to clean conservatism. It is a return to “centrism as usual.” FYI: The tea-party movement isn’t out there on the streets banging pots and pans together because they want more centrist panderers!
Branstad bodes well for neither Iowa nor America, and may signal that some Republicans are incapable of understanding their own complicity in America’s current mess. After all, the “extreme left” isn’t the one that brought America to this point. The “middle of the roaders” who pander and compromise are ultimately responsible. Public ignorance is the exploited strength of moderatism. Just like the warm-hearted people of Germany in 1932… we’ve all been “Stupaked!”