By Dr. Gary DeMar When Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas appealed to Natural Law theory in some of his legal opinions and writings, there were those on the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings in September 1991 who took …
There is a divide that now noticeably exists among Christian political activists across the United States surrounding the answer to the question: should activists demand abortion be outlawed outright, or should they choose instead to incrementally reduce abortion out of …
By Bob Eschliman The Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Fall Banquet, held on the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines last night, was anything but a debate. But, it was another opportunity to separate the wheat from the chaff in …
By Bob Eschliman In all fairness, I have to admit I once was riding the “Cain Train.” I had bought into his message, his position as an outsider railing against Washington, and Herman Cain’s success as a businessman who has …
by Bob Eschliman This past May, during a GOP debate in South Carolina, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was asked about his stated position on criminalizing drug use: Q: You say that the federal government should stay out of people’s …
by Bob Eschliman As an uncommitted voter in the Republican primary/caucus process, I’ve taken my responsibility as an Iowan seriously — probably more seriously than several of the presidential candidates, but I digress. I’ve been trying to vet the candidates, …
Below these opening comments I have posted an erudite historical article authored by David Barton, containing information in response to a call-in heckler on WHO radio today. If you are interested in the veracity of my public claims that Christians …
A sermon on the spiritual and legal ramifications of “Nature and Nature’s God”, and its direct correlation with what Americanism truly is, outlining what must be done if America is to be saved from its current trend toward ruin. Select …
by Tom Hoefling And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment. …