Saul Alinsky And The Demonization Of Political Opponents by Howard Jacobs Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules For Radicals” was published in 1971. Its methods have become synonymous with leftist political strategy. Even people who never read the book have been so …
By J. C. Ryle (1816-1900) There are few warnings in Scripture more solemn than this. The Lord Jesus Christ says to us, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Lot’s wife was a professor of religion: her husband was a “righteous man” (II Peter …
By Thomas Sowell If judges are going to act like politicians, then they should be voted out like politicians. Results of the recent elections showed that growing numbers of Americans are fed up with “public servants” who act as if …
By John Hesling, J.D. In 1776 Thomas Paine wrote, “In America, the law is king”. In 1780 John Adams sought “a government of laws and not of men.” The Revolutionary War was fought to establish this principle. All government officials …
by Scott F. Paradis America is the land of dreams, of potential, of opportunity. Unfortunately America has embraced a fantasy, succumbing to the illusion that one can in fact get “something for nothing.” Our political leaders and well-healed elite have …
By Chuck Baldwin January is often referred to as “Generals Month” since no less than four famous Confederate Generals claimed January as their birth month: James Longstreet (Jan. 8, 1821), Robert E. Lee (Jan. 19, 1807), Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson …
by Bojidar Marinov “I was talking with a friend from church about theonomy[1] this past weekend. . . . He took me to the Wikipedia page for Gary North and asked about one of the quotes: ‘In winning a nation …
By Doug Giles The other day I was queuing up to speak at a conference about “Raising Righteous and Rowdy Kids in a Rank Day,” but because the last Tea Party I attended was so woefully deficient in pastors during …
by Bojidar Marniov In 452 a Christian bishop left the City of Rome on a journey north to the river Po. His goal was a diplomatic mission that would shake the world.
By Howard Jacobs A phobia is an irrational fear. When people use words such as “Islamaphobe” or “homophobe”, they are implying an irrational fear of Muslim or gay people. The “phobia” implication is misleading. If a person disagrees with policies …