by Matthew Ung The latest republican capitulation is to give at least $400 billion of deficit spending to the democrats by suspending the debt ceiling debate for three months, at the convenient time that the limit is reached. In exchange, …
by Matthew Ung The government’s 4th Quarter (2012) unemployment figures came out recently. We went from 7.8 to 7.9% unemployment, but if
By Mychal Massie The Republican Party, from its inception in 1856, has stood for conservative pro-family and pro-Constitutional values. Those values are what first drew me to the Republican Party and they are what have led me to be engaged …
By David A. Norris In times past, our nation’s judges recognized that America has a civic religion. In 1952, Justice William O. Douglas wrote, “We are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.”* Civic religion is different …
by Joel McDurmon We expect leftists, liberals, and other miscreants to pounce opportunistically, to lie, cheat, and twist (all the while drooling) over a phrase like “legitimate rape” when uttered by a strong conservative Christian politician. But should we expect …
A Review of American Politics by Matthew Ung I’ll be frank. Republicans are compromising where democrats are not. Republicans are buckling where democrats are not. It’s a good thing I’m a conservative before I’m a republican. The actions of the …
By Shane Flait Family Court Violates the Purpose of Courts and Fathers’ Unalienable Rights! The purpose of court is to reveal truth so as to administer justice to maintain liberty of the innocent, punish the guilty proportionately to his offense …
By Shane Flait No-fault divorce sets up a legal tyranny against a father because it assigns punishment to him and rewards the mother without allowing him the due process required to protect his rights. Paternity suits do much the same. …
By Rev. J. Chace Gordon Long ago in the early annals of the history of humanity, mankind collectively (with little exception), violated the Divine Laws of God that were imprinted upon his own conscience. For some 1600 years, God put …
By Dr. Gary DeMar When Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas appealed to Natural Law theory in some of his legal opinions and writings, there were those on the Senate Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearings in September 1991 who took …